Nearby Nearby is designed to make it easier than ever to discover local businesses, parks, trails, events, volunteer opportunities, and more.

Our unique One Search feature streamlines the process by populating nearby points of interest in a single search, based on proximity to your chosen location. It connects users to everything their community has to offer with just a few clicks. Our goal is to help rural towns and local businesses flourish by making it easy for everyone to discover the richness that rural areas have to offer.

Building a Platform for Rural Communities

The platform was created with rural areas in mind, where local businesses and events often struggle to gain visibility. Nearby Nearby brings these places into focus, helping residents, tourists, and local businesses connect and thrive—boosting local economies.

In 2025, we aim to launch a beta version of the platform to fine-tune details and gather user feedback. Starting in Chatham County and expanding to Randolph County, we’re taking a thoughtful, step-by-step approach to ensure growth supports rural communities while maintaining quality for users.

Right now, we’re actively working with Dualboot to build out the wireframe, with a focus on creating a lightweight platform. We understand that many rural areas still struggle with slow and unreliable internet connections, so we’re designing Nearby Nearby to work efficiently even under those conditions. Our goal is to make the platform accessible and useful for all rural communities, regardless of their connectivity challenges.

The Power of One Search

Our One Search feature is what sets Nearby Nearby apart. With a single search, users can discover not only the main location they’re interested in but also related points of interest listed by proximity—businesses, parks, events, and more. It’s a game-changer for rural areas where finding comprehensive local information can be difficult. We’re here to ensure that every community, no matter how small, gets the visibility it deserves.

Nearby Nearby was inspired by founder Rhonda Jean’s experience in rural communities, where finding local events and businesses was often a challenge. Her vision is to make local discovery easy and accessible for everyone, starting with rural areas like her own.

Looking ahead, don’t worry—Nearby Nearby will also be expanding to urban counties, bringing our innovative platform to help cities thrive just as we’ve designed it to support rural communities.